Uses of Disprin Effervescent tablet
Disprin Effervescent tablet is used to reduce muscle pain, toothache, common cold, headache, fever, or inflammation. It is also used to treat or prevent heart attacks, strokes and chest pains.
Side effects of Disprin Effervescent tablet
Disprin Effervescent tablet contains salicylate. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which is the most widely used drug in the world. This prevents platelets from hardening in your blood and prevents clots from forming in your arteries, thereby reducing the risk by improving blood flow to your heart and brain.
Precautions while taking Disprin Effervescent tablet
The most common side effects of Disprin Effervescent tablet are Diarrhoea, Constipation, Nausea, Vomiting, Stomach pain, Hearing problems, Abdominal Pain. These side effects can usually occur in patients. However, these are only indicative and not all patients will experience them.
Dosage of Disprin Effervescent tablet
Do not consume Disprin Effervescent tablet If you are allergic to Aspirin. Avoid Disprin Effervescent tablet if you have hemophilia or any other bleeding disorder. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking Disprin Effervescent tablet.
Overdose of Disprin Effervescent tablet
The dosage of Disprin Effervescent tablet depends on many factors such as the user's age, health and many other conditions, please take this medicine as prescribed by your doctor. Disprin Effervescent tablet is generally not suitable for people under 16 years of age.
Onset of Action of Disprin Effervescent tablet
If you forget to take a dose of Disprin Effervescent tablet, do not take two doses at the same time, there is a risk of overdose. Immediately contact your doctor if an overdose with Disprin Effervescent tablet is suspected.
Duration of Action of Disprin Effervescent tablet
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Precautions & Warnings
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