Uses of Thyroup 50 Tablet
Thyroup 50 Tablet is used for the treatment or prevention of the following disease(s):
Thyroid Hormone Replacement, Hypothyroidism, Myxedema Coma
Side effects of Thyroup 50 Tablet
The most common side effects of Thyroup 50 Tablet are - Insomnia, Tremor, Headache, Fever, Fatigue, Anxiety, Emotional Lability, Hypertension, Weight Loss, Increased Appetite, Allergic Skin Reactions, Diaphoresis, Hair Loss
These side effects can usually occur in patients. However, these are only indicative and not all patients will experience them.
Precautions while taking Thyroup 50 Tablet
Do not use Thyroup 50 Tablet if you are allergic to - Thyroxine/Levothyroxine
If you have heart disease, liver or kidney disease, drug or alcohol addiction, consult your doctor before using Thyroup 50 Tablet.
If you are allergic to any medicine or food, consult your doctor before using this medicine.
Use this medicine under the supervision of your doctor.
To avoid an adverse reaction, consult your doctor if you are already taking other medicines.
Dosage of Thyroup 50 Tablet
Thyroup 50 Tablet contains - Thyroxine/Levothyroxine
Thyroxine is the main hormone secreted into the bloodstream by the thyroid gland. It plays vital roles in digestion, heart and muscle function, brain development and maintenance of bones.
Overdose of Thyroup 50 Tablet
The dosage of Thyroup 50 Tablet depends on many factors such as the patient age, health, medical condition or history of the patient and many other conditions.
Please use this medicine as prescribed by your doctor.
Onset of Action of Thyroup 50 Tablet
If you forget to take a dose of Thyroup 50 Tablet, do not take two doses at the same time, there is a risk of overdose.
If you notice any unusual reaction in your body after taking this medicine, contact your doctor immediately or call your local medical emergency number.
Duration of Action of Thyroup 50 Tablet
Precautions & Warnings
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All substitutes for Thyroup 50 Tablet
For information purpose only. Refer to a healthcare professionals before consuming any medicines and/or drugs.
Drug :- Amiodarone, iodide (including iodine-containing radiographic contrast agents),
May reduce thyroid hormone secretion.
Carbamazepine, hydantoins, phenobarbital, rifampin:
May increase hepatic metabolism, resulting
in hypothyroidism.
May decrease thyroid levels.
Food :- Cottonseed meal, dietary fiber, soybean flour, walnuts:
May decrease absorption of